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Credit union management covers topics such as growth strategies, new technologies and lawsuit rulings to help credit union executives navigate their credit union into a space that's growing and beneficial for staff and members.
Credit union with a cannabis spinoff has now lost nearly $60 million in the first nine months of 2023.
The culture of a company is the heart and soul of the organization; it is the backbone, the values and the behaviors.
"My current leadership style is visionary, strategic, transformational and most importantly, team oriented."
Christopher Gomez will become CEO of Vermont's fourth largest credit union in November.
Fewer than 26% of U.S. households still have someone working remotely at least one day a week.
Attorneys chart a course to help CUs avoid and weather legal storms, which are brewing more frequently.
Beverly Anderson discusses how she's settling into her new role and her plans for Washington State's largest CU.
Wooley aspires to start a mentorship program for young professionals, especially women and working moms.
Odds of burnout increase fivefold when employees are dissatisfied with the level of flexibility at work.
Only 134 CUs have earned this label, which recognizes how a CU is helping the Hispanic and immigrant communities.