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Experian shares highlights from its Q3 2023 automotive finance market report.
Soundra Lopez, who approved more than 100 phony loans, is set to be sentenced in April.
Of the five main priorities, credit risk is at the top of the list for NCUA officials.
Latest forecast pushes more origination gains from the first half to the second half, but the overall economic outlook brightens.
What kind of message does the NCUA's priorities send to credit union boards?
One credit union creates the new position of SVP – retail banking; Mahalo Banking welcomes a new sales executive.
Factory shutdown leads Waconized FCU in Texas to consolidate with 1st University CU, which serves Baylor University employees.
Six other credit unions are paying nearly $5 million from Alabama to Maine.
The NCUA Board approved a 16.36% increase during the December meeting.
Tailoring initiatives to the specific needs and culture of the organization is crucial for a successful mental wellness plan.