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CU Times covers the NCUA, CUNA, NAFCU, CFPB as well as Congress to keep credit union executives up-to-date on regulatory and compliance changes coming out of Washington, D.C.
The state's laws affecting the sale of GAP waivers burden credit unions with additional compliance responsibilities.
The legislation would allow corporate credit unions purchasing power of CLF capital stock.
While the virtual-only option is off the table, credit unions may conduct hybrid annual meetings.
OIG report explains how Paducah Teachers FCU became insolvent.
CUNA and NAFCU argue the proposed changes will exclude many credit unions.
The CFPB determines members aren't savvy enough to track their balances or know when they might be overdrawing.
Both organizations ask the NCUA to streamline the process and not overburden credit unions.
CUNA sends letter to U.S. Senate panel investigating November's collapse of FTX.
The agency also approved moving Ohio out of the Easter Region into the Southern Region for exam and supervision responsibilities.
Yonkers Postal Employees Credit Union directed to hire a certified fraud examiner.