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CU Times covers the NCUA, CUNA, NAFCU, CFPB as well as Congress to keep credit union executives up-to-date on regulatory and compliance changes coming out of Washington, D.C.
CUNA says Robert Lewis' race was absolutely not a factor with regard to any employment decision.
The agency produces a CUSO Guidance Statement to address risks and opportunities.
Less than one month into the job, CUNA states it has "parted ways" with Lewis.
The Electronic Funds Transfer Act and Regulation E has been outpaced by the technology, resulting in CUs losing money.
Court ruling reduces the reporting threshold for closed-end mortgage loans from 100 to 25.
The newly formed Congressional Sustainable Investment Caucus will hold events, briefings and discussions with companies and regulators.
CU leaders say this idea could push some credit unions out of the credit card market entirely.
There's more going on here than meets the eye and the NCUA has an even larger question to answer.
The bill would reduce the number of times a credit union board must meet each year.
Edinburg Teachers CU is returned to members following a $2.5 million loss, lawsuits and the ousting of a highly compensated CEO.