CU Times covers the NCUA, CUNA, NAFCU, CFPB as well as Congress to keep credit union executives up-to-date on regulatory and compliance changes coming out of Washington, D.C.
Florida's Chief Financial Officer, Alex Sink spoke here at the Florida CU League's Government Affairs Luncheon during its 2007 Annual Convention & Exposition, soothing any CU concerns over a former banker overseeing the state's highest financial office. Introduced by Karen Thurman, a five-term congresswoman and now chairwoman of the Florida...
Co-authors of the Credit Union Regulatory Improvements Act--Congressmen Paul Kanjorski (D-Pa.) and Ed Royce (R-Calif.)--today announced the addition of Jane Harman (D-Calif.) as the 100th co-sponsor to the bill.
A landmark data breach bill protecting credit and debit card holders from identity theft and creating new requirements on breach notification was progressing through the California legislature last week winning an overwhelming 55-2 bipartisan vote in the state Assembly.
A little known North Dakota law adopted in March and enabling credit union-to-mutual bank conversions in two years has been added to the national conversion dialogue and lexicon.
Despite a lot of noise created by the bankers over the credit unions' "tax subsidy" as an unfair advantage, a new Government Accountability Office study shows that banks tax savings are far more than credit unions.
The comment period on the Department of Defense's anti-predatory lending regulation has come to a close and credit union organizations, while supporting its intent offered a plethora of recommendations for improvement.