CU Times covers the NCUA, CUNA, NAFCU, CFPB as well as Congress to keep credit union executives up-to-date on regulatory and compliance changes coming out of Washington, D.C.
The NCUA Board looked to expand federal credit union investment powers and cut the budget while setting the record straight on catastrophic act reporting and records preservation at last week's board meeting.
America's Community Bankers has written Congressman Jos?(C) Serrano in opposition to his bill that would allow federal credit unions of all charter types to adopt underserved areas.
Newly-elected assembly members Ellen Jaffee (D-Rockland) and Kenneth Zebrowski Jr. (D-Rockland) joined representatives from the Westchester-Rockland chapter of the New York State Credit Union League for an informal lunch at Palisades Federal Credit Union to discuss issues impacting today's credit unions.
USA Federal Credit Union President/CEO Mary Cunningham testified July 11 before the House Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit on credit unions' legitimate offerings of overdraft protection programs.