CU Times covers the NCUA, CUNA, NAFCU, CFPB as well as Congress to keep credit union executives up-to-date on regulatory and compliance changes coming out of Washington, D.C.
As it seeks to sell off faulty loans and find eventual buyers for the failed Norlarco Credit Union as well as an Ann Arbor, Mich.-CU in similar straits, NCUA moved quickly here last week to calm jittery members.
A contingency of Texas lawmakers from among CURIA's 128 co-sponsors have distributed a "dear colleague" letter seeking support for a hearing and markup on the bill before the first session of the 110th Congress recesses.
The House Financial Services Committee is scheduled to mark up legislation tomorrow that could have a significant negative impact on credit unions' overdraft protection offerings.
The House Financial Services Committee is scheduled to mark up legislation tomorrow that could have a significant negative impact on credit unions' overdraft protection offerings.
A resolution by Representatives Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and Jim Walsh (R-N.Y.) to make September 2007 Federal Credit Union Month is on the schedule for a vote today.