Staring down shrinking margins and the confusing moniker credit union, some have gotten creative with their fields of membership. This is not a particularly new phenomenon but one that has garnered attention from an L.A. blogger who was just looking for a credit union to join. Shes had a great...
Why is this employee late with this assignment? Why is he so grumpy? Why cant she understand something so simple? Why does this person put in their 40 hours and go home while that person has their cell phone strapped to their side? Why cant they be more, well, like...
As the baby boomer generation begins to retire, women necessarily will play a crucial role in filling the open spaces. Our latest Women to Watch honoree, Wanda Chambers (see article, page 6), stated that innovation is born from necessity, and so goes the case for the promotion of female executives.
During the Governmental Affairs Conference, Chip Filson announced his intention to seek an NCUA Board seat, which was the culmination of speeches and online postings criticizing the NCUAs activities throughout the financial and corporate crises. He has launched a petition designed to force President Obama to consider him as a...
Credit unions rite of spring, CUNAs Governmental Affairs Conference, has now come and gone. Many credit union volunteers and professionals have scurried home for warmer climes or colder ones in the case of credit union MeccaMadisonwhere they were expecting several inches of snow on top of what they already had....