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America’s Credit Unions and DCUC unveil advocacy priorities for the 119th Congress.
Alternative credit scoring can better measure risk while also adding targeted services for members.
Eric Stegall takes over the leadership helm for the retiring Linda Lukaszewski after 43 years of service.
IFS founder Rebecca Schmidt joins the technology CUSO as its chief financial officer.
In the competition for talent, employers look to provide benefits that are most valuable to today’s workforce in a cost-effective way.
AI is expected to “shift from hype to an actionable tactic for credit unions to enhance member service and boost efficiencies."
Dow and Eastman credit unions account for $34.5 million of the group’s total special dividends.
Credit unions can develop thoughtful programs and benefits that address employee financial and mental health.
This consolidation comes just six months after members of Encurage Financial Network Credit Union, also in Chicago, agreed to pair up with GLCU.
The trade group represents 386 credit unions across Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Virginia that serve more than 31 million members.