Publisher Mike Welch has some pet peeves. So do I. People who hold a position on the board of directors of a credit union or credit union trade association who: *Never have a position on any topic. *Are afraid to speak out and ask questions. *Hold an officers position because...
LAS VEGAS - Anyone who's bought a car recently knows that the entire process - from researching a vehicle to making the actual purchase - has changed from what it used to be. So it came as no surprise to the more than 250 representatives from 90 credit unions who...
CommunityAmerica Credit Union, Overland Park, Kan., has underwritten two $1,500 scholarships for the Shawnee Mission Education Foundation. The awards program, entitled "Celebrate Success! 2001" recognizes two seniors who possess outstanding records of leadership and academic achievement. Alicia Stuart and Eric Yurkovich, both seniors at Shawnee Mission Northwest, are the first...
PORTLAND, Ore. - Portland Teachers CU (PTCU), the largest CU in Oregon, has placed a top priority on education in their area, and has created a plan to support their commitment through a special funding opportunity. A three-tiered cooperative effort is making it a reality. The PTCU, Gresham-Barlow School District...
JULY JULY 16-20 Lending Solutions' Rex Johnson's University of Lending, Crystal Lake Holiday Inn, Crystal Lake, Ill. For info: Marsha Wieder, 888-574-6572. JULY 12-13 Brick & Associates, Inc. "Strategic Conference," East Lansing Marriott, East Lansing, Mich. For info: 800-332-8188. JULY 15-25 CU Conferences' Credit Union Scandinavia/Russia Cruise Conference, Princess Cruise's...
Fort Lee Federal Credit Union, Prince George, Va., has awarded PWCampbell its design/build contract to renovate its main office. The facility will provide members with enhanced retail and drive-up services. In addition, the renovations will improve operational efficiency. Construction is expected to be completed by Spring 2002. Fort Lee FCU...
CLEARWATER, Fla. - With all the talk about keeping or selling a credit card portfolio, Card Services for Credit Unions, Inc. has launched the Virtual Card Consultant-an online portfolio analysis tool. Designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of a credit card program, the virtual card consultant is...
FARMERS BRANCH, Texas - Credit unions that have found it difficult to make member business loans because of NCUA 12.25%-of-assets restrictions and MBL expertise requirements will find the going easier thanks to a new program available through Texas Credit Union League (TCUL). The Commercial Credit Partner Program (CCP), made possible...
TORONTO - CUNA Mutual Mortgage unveiled the newest version of its online mortgage application at CUNA Mutual Group's Discovery Conference here (see special report on pages 14 &15 for other mortgage-related stories ). One of the major enhancements of the new solution - MEMBERS Choice Net Mortgage Plus - is...
AUSTIN, Texas - Firms making their living on the Internet find the path to profitability a tough one. Internet solutions provider FundsXpress says it will be there by year-end. To help buoy the company until the profitability stage, FundsXpress has received commitment for an additional $10 million investment from current...