WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - Unfortunately the hot color for employees in 2001 seems to be pink- as in pink slips from employers. But when times get rough for members, credit unions seem to shine. According to Chicago-based outplacement firm Challenger Gray and Christmas, Inc., U.S. companies cut 124,852 jobs...
WASHINGTON - A Consumer Federation of America survey finds that of the Web sites that sell life insurance,75% do not show the least expensive coverage and 40% were somewhat misleading. According to the CFA, the most misleading part of Internet shopping, is that sites claiming to provide the lowest-cost insurance...
WASHINGTON-In testimony before the Senate Banking Committee, Aviation Associates Credit Union President/CEO Lee Williams explained that credit unions are part of the solution to the predatory lending problem and that legislation should not be overly inclusive. Many lenders, including CUNA officials, are worried that the term `predatory' has become synonymous...
WASHINGTON - The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's (FFIEC) recently released annual report was a mixed bag of news of home lending trends among ethnic groups in the U.S. According to the report, the number of home loans made to Asians and Hispanics increased slightly last year - up 8%...
WASHINGTON - Credit unions would do better to keep an eye on developments with bankruptcy legislation currently in conference committee than economic conditions when trying to predict upswings in mortgage loan delinquency rates. The pattern of low charge-offs will be tied more to bankruptcy legislation than to economic cycles, says...
Credit Union ONE, Ferndale, Mich., has held the grand opening of its new branch in Rochester Hills. To celebrate, Credit Union ONE will buy back unused checks from other financial institutions for $10, and provide a free box of checks to new members opening checking accounts. Credit Union ONE has...
INDIANAPOLIS - Credit union data processor re:Member Data here has released StreamLine, a XML real-time interface module available for its cuStar core data processing software that assists in automating workflow. StreamLine was developed for use in call centers and at the member service/new account desk, and development is underway for...
WINDSOR, Ontario, Canada - People always talk about win-win situations, but Windsor Family Credit Union (WFCU) came up with a great win-win situation. When they offered to help local organizations they ended up with a lot more than goodwill. They found major growth. In an interview with Credit Union Times,...
INDIANAPOLIS - VIFI has launched EnterpriseManager, a solution aimed at providing CU clients with real-time customer service for users of VIFI's Internet banking and online bill payment solutions. The Web-based management tool assists financials in managing and accessing the attributes of the Internet banking and bill payment process. Credit union...
* 48% of homeowners who currently have a mortgage said they used a bank or a credit union to obtain their mortgage loan. Nearly half said they received their mortgage from other sources for mortgage financing. * Among those who use a bank or a credit union for their mortgage,...