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Igor Shushpanov opens CU accounts, obtains credit, spends the funds, pays off balances with rubber checks and declares bankruptcy.
Credit unions must submit grant applications by Jan. 31, 2025.
Affinity FCU President/CEO Kevin Brauer speaks candidly about three decades of change, both good and bad, within the credit union space.
Plus, Stanford FCU CEO Joan Opp replaces Dennis Devine on the Velera Board of Directors.
However, they are planning to defend against an expected assault by bankers on their tax-exempt status after Trump is sworn in.
Significant policy shifts are expected in Washington, which will likely lead to more legal battles and regulatory uncertainty.
The combined financial cooperative would manage a projected $965 million in assets and serve more than 70,000 members.
More than two out of three households in the U.S. preferred digital banking in 2023.
Due to the Fed’s recent rate cuts, credit union members with student loan debt are being aggressively targeted by competitors.
More than three in five employees say they would consider leaving their current job for one with more robust benefits, even if it meant taking lower compensation.