More Than Half of Gen Z Professionals Now Freelancing, Research Finds

Fifty-three percent of Gen Z freelancers perform freelance work for at least 40 hours per week across a portfolio of different types of work.

Gen Z is reinventing the way America works. More than half of Gen Z professionals performed freelance work last year, compared with 38%of the overall workforce, 44% of millennials, 30% of Gen X and 26% of baby boomers, according to new research by the Upwork Research Institute.

“Our research shows that the next generation of talent sees the modern career as much more diversified and dynamic than generations past,” said Kelly Monahan, managing director of the institute. “They want freedom, control and autonomy that allow them to take advantage of new, distributed ways of working that ultimately impact their performance and financial stability.”

Among the key findings of the research:

The research outlined five distinct freelance career types — portfolio careerist, independent consultant, moonlighter, temporary gig worker and company founder.

“Many business leaders and professionals associate freelancing solely with short-term, transactional work,” Monahan said. “However, it’s much more complex than that. The five distinct modes of freelancing show us that each of these work arrangements and preferences has unique underlying motivators, which inform clear implications for the evolving hiring landscape.”