Shared Accounts With CU Times: Ronaldo Hardy Adds to His CU Story

In his first year at NACUSO, Ronaldo Hardy shares his view for “brand clarity” and his roadmap ahead.

Ronaldo Hardy has been a fixture in the credit union industry for the past two decades. Yes, two decades! He’s approaching his first full year leading NACUSO and putting on his first NACUSO Network Conference in April.

Hardy joined “Shared Accounts With CU Times” to talk about the nearly accidental way he found himself in the credit union space after a friend submitted his resume to a credit union without his knowledge. From there, his journey has led him through leading different credit unions to a space at NACUSO where he can help the organization and the people thrive.

During our conversation, we touched on several topics with Hardy, including DEI, CUSOs, credit union advocacy and his work as lead pastor at Love Alive Church in Baton Rouge, La. He even laid out his take on the next three years for NACUSO as he attempts to bring some “brand clarity” to the organization.

Did we tell Hardy it would just be a 30-minute conversation? Yes. Did the conversation go for an hour? Also, yes.

Take a listen!