Shared Accounts With CU Times: Being Wicked Smaht With Retail Banking

Jim Potter, VP of Retail Banking at Merrimack Valley CU with an honest look into how to succeed at the branch level for members.

The questions that need to be answered for a lot of credit union executives: What do members truly want and need from our branches? And are we giving it to them?

In February, we are talking about credit union branches and the shifts in member behavior at the branch level.

In this episode of Shared Accounts With CU Times, I’m joined by Jim Potter, a credit union veteran and newly-minted VP of Retail Banking at the Lawrence, Mass.-based Merrimack Valley Credit Union. Potter’s experience and focus on the retail branch experience has led to numerous successes over the years. In today’s post-COVID world, Potter talks about his vision for the branch future and shares strategies all credit union leaders should consider.

Potter explains this and more, all in a lovable Massachusetts accent. He’s wicked smaht!

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