Shared Accounts w/ CU Times – Reclaiming Auto Lending Strategies

How credit union leaders can drive efficiencies while keeping their eyes on the road, and in this case, their auto lending strategies.

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If you want to sound smart, just use the word “strategy” in a sentence. If you want to actually be smart, talk to Cox Automotive’s Andy Mayers, AVP of Operations/Lender Solutions.

In this episode, Andy and I discuss auto lending strategies and behavioral shifts that have been happening sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly with members and credit union executives over the past 30 years.

We talk about what lenders are doing or trying to do to drive efficiencies and what those efficiencies should be. And let’s not forget about the smaller credit unions and how they can take advantage of ways to scale their auto lending solutions.

What does Andy think is the biggest bummer still happening in the auto lending space/? And should we bring back mimeograph machines? Listen, and find out.

To listen to the previous episode, click here.

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