Members in Georgia and Pennsylvania Get $35M in Special Dividends This Week

Dividends this season now top $135 million, including $2 million from a Birmingham, Ala., credit union.


Credit unions in Georgia and Pennsylvania are distributing $35 million in special dividends this week, and a third credit union in Alabama has returned $2.2 million.

Robins Financial Credit Union of Warner Robins, Ga. ($4.3 billion in assets, 267,619 members) is paying members $20 million this week as a Member Rebate. The amount represents about $75 per member and 48 basis points of its ROA of 1.41% for the 12 months ending Sept. 30.

Robins Financial has now distributed more than $112 million to its members since starting the special dividend program in 2017, including $18 million last year.

Christina O’Brien

“Our mission has always been centered on the success and satisfaction of our members,” President/CEO Christina O’Brien said. “Being able to exceed $20 million in returned rebates reflects our ongoing commitment to providing our members with not only exceptional financial services, but tangible benefits that contribute to their financial growth.”

Police and Fire Federal Credit Union of Philadelphia ($8.6 billion, 441,902 members) is paying members $15 million Tuesday as a Member Bonus. The amount represents about $34 per member and 18 bps of its ROA of 1.57% for the 12 months ending Sept. 30.

ACIPCO Federal Credit Union of Birmingham, Ala. ($194.4 million in assets, 8,530 members) paid members $2.2 million Dec. 8 as an Interest Rebate/Bonus Dividend. The amount represents about $258 per member and 115 bps of its ROA of 0.76% for the 12 months ending Sept. 30.

So far this season, CU Times has tallied 16 credit unions ($58.3 billion, three million members) have announced $135.8 million in special dividends. The amount represents about $45 per member and 24 bps of their 12-month ROA of 1.02%.

Credit unions interested in sharing their special dividend announcements can email them to