Credit Union Leaders Share Thoughts on Sen. Dianne Feinstein's Legacy

NAFCU and CUNA send condolences at the loss of a figurehead in the Senate.


At 90, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) died on Thursday. After 30 years in the U.S. Senate, Feinstein was the Senate’s oldest member and after her death was announced Friday, credit union leaders released statements about their thoughts on the senator and how she helped the credit union industry throughout the decades.

In a statement posted Friday morning on X, formerly known as Twitter, NAFCU President/CEO Dan Berger wrote, “Senator Dianne Feinstein broke numerous glass ceilings for women throughout her storied career and I, among many others, respected her tremendously. To her family, her staff and the great people of California, the NAFCU family and I send our condolences for this great loss and will remember her legacy.”

CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle said, “Sen. Feinstein leaves an inspiring, trailblazing legacy of more than 50 years of public service at the local and federal level, and a great friend to credit unions.”

Nussle added, “She recognized them on the Senate floor for International Credit Union Day, and we were proud to work alongside her on policies to improve the financial health of communities in California, and across the country.”

Recognizing her work for the credit union industry, according to CUNA, Sen. Feinstein co-sponsored legislation to raise the member business lending cap to 27.5% of assets (from 12.25% of assets), require timely notification after data breaches, and create a $2 billion Community Development Financial Institution pandemic crisis fund.

In February of this year, Sen. Feinstein announced she would not seek re-election. At the time of the announcement, Diana Dysktra, president/CEO of the California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues shared her appreciation of Feinstein’s time in office. “After so many years of service to Californians and support for credit unions and the members they serve, we want to express our indebted gratitude to Senator Feinstein as she finishes the remainder of her term. Credit union leaders have been honored to work with the Senator since she was first elected in 1992. She has always recognized the importance of local credit unions and their mission to provide dependable and honest member-owned financial services within all types of communities across the state. We want to thank the Senator for being a friend of credit unions and championing impactful legislation that continues to uplift the financial well-being of millions of local households and consumers.”

Dysktra added, “For credit unions, the Senator’s unyielding support of who we are as a movement and the individuals we serve has etched a powerful legacy within this period of history — and for that, she holds our sincere recognition and gratitude.”