Affinity FCU Study Uncovers Rising Financial Anxiety

The CU’s latest research finds an uptick in finance-related stress, especially for younger populations.


The Basking Ridge, N.J.-based Affinity Federal Credit Union released its summer edition of the “Wellbeing and Your Wallet Index” and found that more than one in three consumers surveyed are concerned about affording food in the next month.

The results, published Aug. 16, captured the sentiment concerning the overall financial well-being of more than 3,000 people surveyed around Affinity’s service areas of New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania between June 27 and July 18.

According to Affinity ($4.5 billion in assets, 234,040 members), the report found that 60% of those surveyed agree their finances are a primary source of stress. This was a 5% increase from the previous survey conducted in March of this year.

The results found 35% of respondents are concerned “about their ability to afford food in the upcoming month.”

According to the survey results, the younger population are increasingly having concerns about their financial health. “A staggering 44% of Gen Z respondents (ages 18 to 26) and 43% of millennials (ages 27 to 42) shared heightened anxieties about ensuring their next meal. This marks an alarming rise from the first quarter, with Gen Z respondents showing a 22% jump and millennials an increase of nearly 14% in this key area,” Affinity officials stated.

Affinity Assistant Vice President and Head of Wellbeing Grant Gallagher said, “The results of our Summer Wellbeing and Your Wallet Index provide a stark snapshot of the current sentiments across our communities. We’re witnessing firsthand how economic pressures are affecting everyday decisions, particularly for our younger generations who, in many cases, are grappling with necessities like affording meals for the next month. The ongoing economic downturn, reflected in the growing financial anxieties of local consumers, is a reminder that our mission to support members in their financial journeys has never been more crucial.”

According to Affinity, additional findings included:

The survey was done in partnership with Drive Research.

READ MORE: Affinity FCU’s latest “Wellbeing and Your Wallet Index.”