The Advantages of a Data-Driven, In-Person Member Experience

Effective lobby management technology helps eliminate member wait-time frustration and yields powerful data.

Source: Germanii/Shutterstock.

Even in this hyper-digital world, nothing beats the in-person experience between a credit union and its members. If someone is taking the time to visit your lobby, you must take advantage of the opportunity to deliver great service, potentially sell additional services and create a lasting positive impression.

The lobby management experience might be more important than ever to producing that positive impression. Members who face a long wait, a disorganized queue or unhelpful staff may not only walk out of the lobby but also reconsider whether they belong to the right financial institution.

What many credit unions don’t realize is that an effective lobby management experience also yields powerful data that benefits operations as well as members. The path to both advantages starts with technology.

Boosting the Member Experience

More and more credit unions are adopting digital queue management solutions to enhance the lobby experience for their members. The idea behind the technology is simple: Members arrive in the lobby and check into the digital queue by sending a text, scanning a QR code or entering their information at a computer kiosk. After doing so, they receive updates on their smartphones about their estimated wait time as well as an alert when their turn is near.

With this approach to lobby management, members aren’t tethered to the waiting area – they can return to their car, go for a stroll, get a cup of coffee or do anything else to pass the time other than stand/sit and wait. Even if the wait time isn’t shorter (though it often is because the technology creates efficiency), members may feel like it is because of the updates they receive and the fact that they are in control of their waits.

Queue management can be paired with appointment scheduling software to give members even more flexibility and control. For example, perhaps nothing is more frustrating than a member visiting a branch to discuss mortgage options with a loan officer, only to find someone is already talking with the sole loan officer working at that time and that a long wait is inevitable. With digital appointment scheduling, a member could reserve a time and know that when they arrive at the branch, they’ll be seen quickly.

Live Data at Your Fingertips

While a digital queuing system creates a better experience for members, it’s also producing data, in real time, on the state of the queue and the members who are waiting. This vital intelligence allows credit unions to adjust operations on the fly and prioritize members. Consider these use cases, proactively driven by live data:

Drawing From Historical Data

The lobby management experience can be tailored to the needs of your members and your staff. The long-term data generated by virtual queuing systems facilitates that customization.

For example, queuing data can reveal peak periods when your branch gets the most visitors, when tellers are busiest, when members need time-consuming services and so on. This informs staffing strategy – which is so important at a time when credit unions are struggling to find and retain employees.

Moreover, the data can show which employees are taking longer with certain services, which allows you to shuffle staff as needed and devise training strategies – especially if employees are struggling with particular tasks.

Member queuing behavior also generates data that benefits operational decisions. How long will someone wait in a digital queue before giving up and leaving? Which services are they more willing to wait for? Did they click on any of the links, including digital offers and ads, that they received on their phones as they waited? This intelligence lets you craft a lobby experience that’s even more member-centric.

Finally, when lobby management experience is tracked by branch, best practices and trends emerge, resources can be allocated and performance can be better assessed. If, for example, one branch is dealing with longer waits than another, the data can be examined to determine why – and adjustments can be made.

Ultimately, member experience must be at the heart of every operational decision – anything that drives efficiency, staffing, training, revenue and facilities. Data from lobby management experience is more than just numbers on a screen. When used strategically, the data reveals what members want and need, including identifying how their experience was during their visit, which, in turn, shows you how to meet and surpass their expectations.

Jamie Ladd

Jamie Ladd is a Senior Account Executive at Qtrac, a Valencia, Calif.-based provider of a cloud-based appointment scheduling and virtual queuing platform.