Louisiana CU League Names New President & CEO

Juan Fernandez Ceballos comes to Louisiana after leading the Credit Union Association of New Mexico.

New credit union league leadership announced. (Image: Shutterstock)

The Louisiana Credit Union League (LCUL) named Juan Fernandez Ceballos as the new president/CEO Monday after months of searching for a permanent leader.

According to the League, Ceballos will start his new position in June after he ends his term as president/CEO at the Credit Union Association of New Mexico (CUANM), where he was the industry’s first Latino-American to lead a state trade association. Ceballos led CUANM since June 2021.

“The board is thrilled to welcome Juan as our next CEO,” LCUL Chairman of the Board Steve Webb said. “His experience is an invaluable asset to the League and the Credit Unions of Louisiana. We believe with Juan at the helm, we will continue to grow and develop into the future.”

Juan Ceballos

Ceballos has been in the credit union industry for more than 20 years. When asked about the new position, Ceballos said, “I am humbled and grateful to have been selected as the next president/CEO of the Louisiana Credit Union League. This is a fantastic institution, and I am excited to work with the board of directors and all staff to continue the growth and success and help credit unions continue fulfilling their missions.”

LCUL EVP of Business Solutions Steven Liberto has been serving as interim president/CEO since the League’s board decided to part ways with Matt Rookard \, who led LCUL for about seven months in 2022.

Rookard was selected to take over after Bob Gallman announced his retirement. Gallman had been president/CEO of the League since 2018.

LCUL hired D. Hilton Associates, Inc. to assist in the search for the new president/CEO.