CFPB Announces New CU Advisory Committee Members

Four credit union executives join the committee to “advise and consult” the CFPB on credit union-related issues.

CFPB official seal. (Source: Shutterstock)

On Wednesday, the CFPB announced the names of four credit union executives who have joined its eight-member Credit Union Advisory Committee (CUAC).

According to the CFPB, the new CUAC members include the following:

Current CUAC members include:

According to the official charter of the CUAC, members will submit “advice and recommendations to the Bureau relating to the activities and operations of credit unions, which shall be non-binding on the Bureau.”

While the CUAC rarely makes headlines, four years ago was a different story. In June 2018 then-Acting CFPB Director Mick Mulvaney disbanded the CUAC and two other groups with little to no notice. More than a year later, in October 2019, then-Director Kathy Kraninger reorganized the CUAC and other advisory groups to the basic form of what they are today.

The CUAC meets at least twice each year and each member serves a term of two years. The last time the committee met was in November 2022.