CUNA, NAFCU Have Thoughts on Proposed NCUA Budget

Both organizations argue for ways the NCUA can cut back on its proposed $367 million budget.

NCUA official seal. (Source: NCUA)

While CUNA and NAFCU both applauded the NCUA’s transparency of its proposed 2023-2024 budget process, the trade groups submitted letters Friday to ask the agency to trim down the budget and, at the same time, find ways to not add new credit union regulations that could overburden the industry.

The 2023-2024 proposed budget unveiled earlier in October currently sits at $367 million, with proposed additions to staff, increased travel dollars and nearly $13 million to cover pay and benefits cost increases. Most of the budgetary increases reflect the dramatic rise in inflation that is expected to last through next year.

The proposed NCUA budget is an 8.1% increase over last year. One main focus of budget critics has been the increase of the NCUA’s travel budget to $23 million.

In his letter, NAFCU Chief Economist and Vice President of Research Curt Long argued the effectiveness of remote examinations during the pandemic should give the NCUA pause on hiking the travel budget by $5 million.

“The agency should reconsider its proposed travel budget because of the effectiveness of offsite examinations over the past several years. The third largest portion of the NCUA’s Operating Budget is travel expenses, so considering the lessons learned from 2020, 2021 and 2022 regarding the extent to which supervisory and exam operations can be conducted offsite, NAFCU urges the NCUA to cut travel across the board going forward,” Long wrote.

CUNA Deputy Chief Advocacy Officer for Federal Government Affairs Jason Stverak wrote, “As was evidenced over the past two years, cost savings in the area of travel is certainly possible, and does not generally result in any increase in risk to the credit union system.”

According to NAFCU, its suggestions for the NCUA to consider during the budget process included:

Similarly, CUNA stated it is focused on the following areas:

The NCUA board will vote on the final budget later this year.

READ MORE: NAFCU’s letter to the NCUA.

READ MORE: CUNA’s letter to the NCUA.