MSU Federal Credit Union Makes $5.5 Million Gift to Michigan State's Art Programs

Funds will bolster the university’s new art strategy to connect its campus with communities.

Michigan State Univeristy campus (Source: AdobeStock).

The $6.8 billion MSU Federal Credit Union said it has made a $5.5 million gift commitment that will support three arts programs at Michigan State University.

The East Lansing-based credit union said in a prepared statement that the funds will bolster the university’s new arts strategy to connect the campus and communities by integrating the arts into the educational experience, research and campus infrastructure.

MSUFCU is one of MSU’s largest funders, investing more than $30 million over its history, half of which has gone to support the arts, the credit union said in a prepared statement. Since 2008, MSUFCU has supported programming in the arts that has advanced career readiness, provided opportunities for students to work with high-caliber artists, offered lifelong learning programs in the performing arts, and supported residency programs for artists and scholars.

“As MSUFCU celebrates 85 years of partnership with MSU, we’re proud of all we have accomplished together on behalf of campus and community,” MSUFCU President/CEO April Clobes said in a prepared statement. “We’re pleased to continue our support through these creative and innovative projects that will enhance the lives of our members.”

The gift included $2.5 million for the MSUFCU Arts Power Up Endowment, which will fund two pilot programs. The first project, the MSUFCU Arts Power Up Arts Residencies at the STEAMpower Project, which is designed to spark new research and modes of cross-disciplinary learning by bringing artists, researchers and graduate student collaborators together to address global challenges.

The second project, MSUFCU Arts Power Up to Start-Up, will provide mentored internships for advanced high school students and MSU undergraduates, building career pathways to a variety of fields associated with arts and culture nonprofits.

Two million dollars of the MSUFCU gift will support the CoLab Studio at the MSU Museum, the next iteration of the former Science Gallery. The CoLab Studio represents the evolution of programming and learning at the nexus of science and art in the MSU Museum.

Finally, $1 million will support the College of Music’s new Detroit Regional Engagement and Access to Music Endowment, or MSUFCU’s DREAM Fund. The fund will provide sustainable resources to support the College of Music’s outreach and engagement programs in Detroit.

“Michigan State considers the arts to be key instruments of knowledge and understanding embedded across the university’s educational, research and creative endeavors,” MSU President Samuel L. Stanley Jr., M.D. said. “Our arts strategy is an important component of the university’s strategic objectives of student, staff and faculty success; impactful innovation; and diversity, equity and inclusion. I want to thank MSUFCU for sharing our vision and investing in this vital area.”