SkyPoint FCU's Focus: Be Inclusive in a Digital World

“We wanted to make it easy and simple for everyone to access banking online.”

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The Germantown, Md.-based SkyPoint Federal Credit Union launched a new and inclusive website design and functionality this year to ensure all members are able to use the credit union’s digital tools, regardless of their individual abilities.

In a statement, SkyPoint ($192 million in assets, 13,767 members) said, “Digital inclusion was the driving factor behind the website that is now mobile responsive and offers several self-service options and financial guidance tools.”

SkyPoint CEO Jim Norris said, “We are very proud of our new website that represents our dedication to reaching all individuals and communities across the DMV. Encouraging digital inclusion is at the forefront of our mission.”

In an email exchange, CU Times asked SkyPoint Chief Development and Engagement Officer Jorge Saenz a series of questions surrounding why digital inclusion became an important platform for the credit union.

“The communities that we represent are very diverse. Our members are from different backgrounds with different abilities. We wanted our digital presence to be inclusive just like the products and services we offer. When we redid our website, The AudioEye Accessibility Tool was presented to us by our digital banking provider. We immediately knew this capability would make it easier for people to access our digital content. This tool is built into our website to help the visually impaired, allowing them to better view our content. The tool is also ADA compliant and that certification is shown on our website so users know we are inclusive to everyone.”

Saenz continued, “We wanted to make it easy and simple for everyone to access banking online. In the communities we serve, one challenge is the mistrust in banking systems. Being digitally inclusive builds trust for communities that are not accustomed to using credit unions for their needs.”

CU Times: What difference will these changes make for members?

Saenz: A much easier navigation experience for members! Our site is very simple for members and non-members to find and understand financial information quickly. The more in-depth the website, the harder it is to find information. We did not want that. Our new website has a keyword search capability, allowing members to quickly find content, services and products. Our extensive blog updates weekly with fresh content that talks about relevant financial information.

CU Times: How long were you working on making these changes?

Saenz: We started working on the new website in December 2020 and went live in July 2021.

CU Times: Are there any other inclusion efforts you are working on?

Saenz: Not at the moment, however as we head into 2022 we are building our strategy around making banking simple for all members of our communities, regardless of their individual abilities.