Credit Union Trade Association Unveils New Name

Since 2007, this is the third name change for the trade group that represents North and South Dakota credit unions.

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The Dakota Credit Union Association is the new name of the trade group that serves more than 70 credit unions across North and South Dakota.

The name change was announced at the organization’s annual Summit Meeting in Sioux Falls, S.D., held earlier this week.

“We knew we had an identity problem when we were continually having to explain to lawmakers and community leaders who we were and where we were from,” DCUA President/CEO Jeff Olson said. “Naturally, we just started referring to ourselves as Dakota Credit Unions.”

This is the third name change for the professional finance trade group over the last 13 years.

In 2007, credit union leaders from the North Dakota and South Dakota Credit Union leagues decided to merge into the first two-state association in CUNA’s league system, according to DCUA. The state leagues had been operating independently since the late 1930s.

The consolidated state leagues were named the Mid-America Credit Union Association. A few years later, it was renamed Credit Union Association of the Dakotas, the name it has used until earlier this week.

Along with the name change, DCUA has also adopted an updated and modernized corporate brand and color personality.

“There is no doubt that our two states have much in common. We share a similar geography, weather, and even our economies are alike. We also share a collective heritage in culture, sociology and traditions,” Olson said. “Like our credit unions and our individual credit union members, our association is evolving, growing and modernizing, all while maintaining our proud heritage when we were officially one Dakota. It’s who we are and who we represent – no further explanation is needed. As the new Dakota Credit Union Association, we look forward to the future as a proud, strong and effective advocacy organization for our members and our communities.”

Based in Bismarck, N.D., DCUA serves 71 credit unions that employ nearly 2,200 individuals in 230 branches in both states.

With more than 492,000 members, North and South Dakota credit unions manage $7.1 billion in total assets and provide Dakota members with more than $5 billion in loans.