TDECU Fires Employee for Posting Racist Remarks on Social Media

The CU says it unequivocally condemns racism of any form, including comments made on an employee’s personal Facebook page.

Source: Shutterstock.

The $3.9 billion Texas Dow Employees Credit Union said in a prepared statement that it fired an employee Monday for allegedly posting racist comments on their personal Facebook page.

The Lake Jackson, Texas-based credit union stated that it learned of the racial remarks early Monday morning.

“TDECU immediately investigated the incident, and the individual is no longer employed by TDECU,” the statement on the credit union’s Facebook page read. “TDECU unequivocally condemns racism of any form, including the statements made in the posts. TDECU has a zero tolerance policy for this kind of behavior. The reprehensible statements do not reflect our values as an organization and we will not tolerate them. TDECU is committed to promoting a culture of diversity, respect and inclusion.”

As of Tuesday morning, TDECU’s Facebook post has received more than more than 200 comments that praised the credit union’s action.

A screen capture of TDECU’s Facebook post.

“Good job tdecu! I Love that you posted this. I’m going to use it when I teach students about consequences to their online actions!!,” one person wrote.

Another person wrote: “Everyone confuses freedom of speech with freedom of consequences. It goes both ways as it should. Yes it’s your FB account. Yes you are free to hate, free to be racist, but you are not free from the consequences that come with those statements or positions.”

Other persons posted video memes of celebrities applauding and expressing thanks.

TDECU’s Facebook post received more than 850 “likes” and nearly 700 shares as of Tuesday morning.