Instant Issuance Is Here to Stay

Learn how to plan for a successful instant issuance program.

Source: lentamart/Shutterstock

Imagine the ability to walk into your local credit union branch and walk out with a fully-activated debit or credit card. This can clearly be a differentiator from competitors that may be down the road from your credit union (and in the same zip code) and do not offer such a convenience – in particular if your member’s debit or credit card was lost, stolen or compromised and they needed a replacement card right away.

This is what instant issuance offers. Over the years, instant issuance has caught the attention of many consumers and financial institutions due to the benefits it provides. Thousands of financial institutions have taken advantage of integrating instant card issuance into various card portfolios – many are making it part of the overall business strategy because it helps increase card usage and activation, and ultimately helps create top-of-wallet and loyalty amongst members.

Credit Unions First to Adopt Instant Issuance

Instant issuance is not a new concept and has been around for decades. And, just like any technology innovation, instant issuance has gone through an adoption curve. In fact, when it was introduced into the market over 20 years ago, credit unions were the first to adopt it because it was seen as a competitive advantage over larger financial organizations. Because credit unions often implement strategies for member-driven services, many of them recognized early on that instant issuance provided them a superior way to offer payment cards. This was a clear customer service advantage over larger financial institutions.

There is no doubt that the market has seen a massive evolution of payment methods – from the use of cash and checks to plastic cards and mobile payments. In the early adoption phases of instant issuance, many credit unions and small financial institutions primarily focused on the instant issuance of debit cards. Now, as consumer expectations for on-demand services continue to rise, instant issuance is now implemented all over the globe (banks included) and being used for debit, credit and prepaid cards.  There are now thousands of branches that offer this all over the world.

Consumer Demands Change and Evolve

How did we get here? Consumer behavior is constantly evolving, and today’s consumers are always connected via digital and social channels. Our fast paced, ever-changing world makes it important to enable consumers to have the ability to access services and get the things they need, when they need them.

More and more consumers are now expecting “immediate” or “personalized” convenience in almost any product or service that is on the market today – and banking and financial products are no different.  Thankfully, the financial industry is so much more advanced now and has evolved with it (albeit sometimes slower), which has also been driven by innovation and consumer demand.

The technologies that we have today were not available decades ago when instant issuance was first introduced. The early adopters of instant issuance had to help us understand what worked, what didn’t and how we can continue to evolve it. Not only have payment methods evolved, so too has the ability to print various personalized photos and images on plastic cards, and have embossed or un-embossed (flat) cards part of various offerings to members.  In addition, there are various hybrid card offerings, co-branded offerings and more.

Instant Issuance Is Here to Stay – Start Planning Now

Instant issuance is here to stay. With technologies evolving in financial institutions, infrastructures to support it and implementations now dialed in, instant issuance will likely only continue to grow over the next few years. Chances are, if your credit union is not offering it yet, another one in your zip code is or will be soon.

The good news is there are many credit unions that were early adopters and helped pave the way for those who are just now implementing it, are about to or are still considering it. If credit unions can start planning now, understand the lessons learned by those who have come before them, and the key areas of consideration for an instant issuance program, prioritizing elements of the program can help ensure your investment is well thought out.

Lessons Learned and Things to Consider

Paul Schwerdtfeger

Paul Schwerdtfeger is Western Regional Director for Matica, a global technology company providing products in the secure ID and payments industries.