A Financial Wellness Check-Up for Credit Union Business Growth

Millennials and Gen Z are preparing to enter the economy in a big way - is your CU prepared for shifting generational needs?

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Securian Financial estimated over 50% of the current economic U.S. customer base will be under the age of 45 in the next 10 years. Importantly for financial institutions, younger generations, the attractive 18- to 34-year-old age group (millennials and Generation Z), are growing up and preparing to enter the economy in a big way. As a credit union, are you prepared for shifting generational needs?

Financial wellness is a universal goal everyone strives for, no matter the age or circumstance. However, there are many topics to consider when specifically thinking about millennial preferences, including differences in communication, financial challenges and digital expectations.

What Do Millennials Want?

But first, what are these generational trends and what do millennials actually want from their financial institution? Based on a survey, KeyBank’s Financial Wellness Review found that consumers are seeking out tools that make managing finances and reaching financial milestones easier. While 72% of respondents with budgets in place are staying within them, 26% of those individuals would like to save more – pointing to a need for smart products to help sustain momentum toward achieving unique goals.

As a millennial and credit union member myself, I say, “Teach me, but most importantly, help me act.” But, action – looking for a specific need in a consumer’s life and building a solution around that need – has been the missing link for credit unions. Based on my own analysis, the fintech sector is starting to do a better job of focusing on data-driven action and financial outcomes for consumers.

As a millennial interested in building a sustainable and successful financial wellness journey, tools of interest to me include:

Who Will Provide Financial Wellness Support?

Instead of connecting to an unfamiliar fintech third party to obtain these tools, who better to trust with my journey than my chosen financial institution? As I look around at the financial industry as a whole, I see countless opportunities for credit unions to connect with my generation. As your credit union starts to identify future business growth opportunities, consider this:

You are in a unique position to capitalize on the opportunity at hand.

So, What’s Next?

How do you start? What are your key consumer segments? What are the pressing needs in the communities you serve? Leverage the data you already have. Understand the possibilities. Prioritize and, potentially, look for partners who have established the groundwork for some of these complex solutions. In today’s digital focused, fast-paced world, opportunities to help millennials build a financial wellness plan are nearly limitless.

Courtney Zielinski

Courtney Zielinski is an Integrations Management and Marketing Manager for Allied Solutions. She can be reached at courtney.zielinski@alliedsolutions.net.