Wings Financial Flies With Architect as Its Digital Footing

The Architect platform is an open framework allowing integration of popular capabilities like alerts and electronic bill payments.

Concept of an open framework. (Source: Shutterstock)

Omnichannel may no longer be a trendy fintech term but open digital platforms have gained centerstage for credit unions seeking to more easily advance member experiences and integrate additional capabilities.

Some credit unions are enhancing digital proficiencies with Architect from Brookfield, Wis.-based Fiserv as a foundation for a variety of online, mobile and payments services while also allowing the deliverance of a seamless digital member experience.

Brian Melter, SVP, digital channels, Fiserv, pointed out they are looking to provide one seamless experience whether members come in on mobile, desktops or tablets. “The key thing we’ve found is having a common backend to power those sites and apps is crucial.” Another important element, he added, is the ability to execute targeted member campaigns.

“All of our credit unions are looking for one tool that allows them to run retail, online banking, business, across mobile, tablets and desktop with a single console. And that is what Architect provides,” Brandon McGee, vice president, product management, digital channels, concurred.

Melter suggested the beauty of the Architect platform is the open framework allows integration of popular capabilities like alerts, electronic bill payments and person-to-person payments, services such as the Zelle digital payments network, or next generation technology.

Another key value proposition is the software development kit SDK. McGee pointed out Fiserv offers dozens of single sign-on solutions and application programming interfaces through the Architect App Store.

Fiserv recently announced the 1.18 billion Tucson, Ariz.-based Hughes Federal Credit Union will enhance its digital capabilities with Architect as a foundation for a range of online, mobile and payments services.

A long-time user of Architect’s online banking capabilities is the 5.3 billion Apple Valley, Minn.-based Wings Financial Credit Union, founded in 1938 and chartered by seven Northwest Airlines employees. David Mason, SVP, digital channels, and chief information officer for Wings Financial Credit Union, explained, in 2011 they developed a five-year strategy to revolutionize member interaction. “We realized the platform we were on was not going to allow us to compete successfully.”

Read more about Wings Financial and Fiserv’s Architect in the June 19 issue of CU Times.