Mahalo Partners With Payrailz to Integrate Smart Payment Services

Two big names in fintech join forces; CUs could see benefits in the form of payments and mobile banking tech.

New fintech partnership announced (Image: Shutterstock).

Two innovative companies providing fintech for credit unions create a new partnership. Mahalo Banking, which provides omni-experience digital solutions, announced it will offer Payrailz, an intuitive, predictive, proactive and engaging payment environment.

Additionally, Chelsea, Mich.-based Mahalo and Glastonbury, Conn.-based Payrailz will collaborate to integrate their open APIs for a seamless user experience. Mahalo said its online or mobile banking platform will have access to Payrailz’ smart driven bill pay, account-to-account and P2P payments and bill negotiation features; and use of artificial intelligence in payments to provide the best user experience possible through the Mahalo infrastructure.

Mahalo’s architecture, designed with input from experts within the credit union industry, offers a modular and scalable system, which the company said allows for enhanced deployment and the capacity to stay current with tech advances. Payrailz offers a fully digital experience that works across all environments, including tablets, computers, smartphones, voice-enabled devices and chatbots.

Mahalo said it searched for a modern payment partner that shared its similar values. Both Mahalo and Payrailz seek to empower individual financial institutions, particularly credit unions, and believe this alliance is a significant step toward meeting that goal.

“Our mission, first and foremost, is to help financial institutions best serve their members and customers,” Alan Augustine, president/CEO of Mahalo said. “Seamlessly integrating with Payrailz will enable us to offer more unique features without creating any disconnect in their experience. We are excited about what we can offer together as partners and even more excited about the future innovations that will result from our partnership.”

“At Payrailz, we strive to help financial institutions provide a smarter payments experience for users, thus helping propel them ahead of their competition,” Fran Duggan, CEO of Payrailz, said. “Partnering with a like-minded company like Mahalo will help us to help financial institutions create better digital experiences for their customers and members.”

Augustine further explained, “We’re experts at digital online mobile banking and that’s where we’re going to stay. We’re not going to try to develop out into other areas, but with bill pay and other solutions that credit unions need, we’re looking for likeminded partners that care about the industry, put the members first, care about the members and have a very modern approach. A product that we can partner with to develop and present to the credit unions.” He emphasized Payrailz’ approach is modern, very fresh and looking toward the future of payments

“It’s all about the credit union being the hero to their members. And the best way we can do that is finding the best partners that seamlessly tie into our platform that offered the best experience for the members themselves.” Denny Howell, co-founder and SVP of experience for Mahalo, said.

“it’s all about providing the best experience and in talking to the folks at Mahalo, we found our visions are just so alike. we’re trying to enable credit unions to better provide for their memberships,” Mickey Goldwasser, vice president of marketing for Payrailz, stated. “They’re providing a better digital banking experience. We’re providing a better payments experience. Marrying the two just made so much sense.”

Credit unions really need to find a way to make sure they have the most valuable resources, their members and their member’s data, Goldwasser suggested. “Why would they want to yield that to anybody else when there are ways such as what we’ve described today, where they basically get all the credit. I think credit unions owe it to themselves to try to set themselves up to be successful.”