Mulvaney Appoints CFPB Credit Union Advisory Council

A new CFPB Credit Union Advisory Council, which takes the member count from 17 to seven, is announced.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau building in Washington, D.C. Photo by Diego M. Radzinschi

CFPB Acting Director Mick Mulvaney on Friday appointed seven members to the agency’s reconstituted Credit Union Advisory Council.

Appointed for one-year terms were:

Mulvaney also appointed members to the agency’s consumer and community bank advisory boards.

Mulvaney disbanded the previous credit union group and fired its members in June. At the same time, he disbanded community bank and consumer advisory panels. Members of those panels had been appointed by former CFPB Director Richard Cordray.

The new charter called fox six members, but seven were appointed.

Under Cordray, the council had a minimum of 15 people and a maximum of 20. Members could serve two-year terms, under the Cordray charter.

When the credit union group was disbanded, it had 17 members.