Rodney Hood Nominated for NCUA Board

The nomination is subject to confirmation by the Senate.

NCUA headquarters

President Trump on Monday nominated Rodney Hood for a seat on the NCUA board.

His term would expire Aug. 2, 2023.

The seat is the one currently occupied by Democrat Rick Metsger. Metsger’s term technically expired last August.

Hood is a former member and vice chairman of the NCUA board, who now serves as a corporate responsibility manager for JPMorgan Chase, where he manages national partnerships with groups that work on community development, civil rights and with the disabled community.

Rodney Hood

He also served as the associate administrator of the Rural Housing Service at the Department of Agriculture. The North Carolina Legislature has elected him to a term as a member of the Board of Governors for the University of North Carolina College System.

Hood earned a B.A. in business administration, communications and political science from the University of North Carolina.

The nomination is subject to confirmation by the Senate. Hood is a Republican; no more than two members of the three-member board may belong to the same political party as the president.