Aggieland Credit Union, Bryan, Texas, presented Rebekah Snodgrass with a $1,000 scholarship check to attend Texas A&M University for the upcoming fall 2013 semester. Snodgrass is a recent Bryan High School graduate/ She was chosen as the scholarship winner by a panel of judges and credit union representatives. Aggieland Credit Union awards a $1,000 scholarship each year to a Bryan High School graduate who chooses to attend Texas A&M University.
Alamo Federal Credit Union, San Antonio, awarded four scholarships to students at Sidney Lanier High School. Selena Rivera, Rudy Martinez, Jeremiah Gonzalez and Sherisse Benavidez were the winners. The four students were student branch interns. They operated the Lanier High School branch for Alamo FCU and learned to open accounts, process financial transactions, balance cash drawers and provide customer service to members. Twelve Lanier High School seniors were selected to operate this AFCU branch office for the semester. They competed for scholarships based on performance measures.
American Heritage Federal Credit Union, Philadelphia, offered twenty-five $1,000 college scholarships to young credit union members. American Heritage Federal Credit Union's Scholarship Committee selected the 2013 scholarship recipients based on their scholarly merits, community and school involvement, a letter of recommendation and a submitted essay explaining their educational and financial goals and how American Heritage Federal Credit Union can help achieve them. The winners were Nicholas Ambolino from Central Bucks West High School, Justine Belinsky from Mount St. Joseph Academy, Stephen Braunlinger from Cardinal O'Hara High School, Elaina DeHoratius from Central Bucks East High School, Carlos Diaz from LaSalle College High School, Teresa DiSiro from Neshaminy High School, Amir Drake from George Washington Carver High School, Jordyn Freed from Lower Moreland High School, Paul Gregotski from Central Bucks South High School, Connor Harriman from Pennsbury High School, Erica Heaney from Lenape High School, Philipp Kappes from Lower Moreland High School, Gabrielle Lenart from Central Bucks South High School, Kenneth Locke, Jr. from New Hope-Solebury High School, Cecelia Lounsberry from Bishop McDevitt High School, Joseph McAnulty from Plymouth-Whitemarsh High School, Austin McCadden from Central Bucks South High School, Keelan McDonald from Central Bucks West High School, Anthony Morgan from Central Bucks West High School, Quincy Morgan from Abington Senior High School, Erika Nordquist from Quakertown Community Senior High School, Viktoria O'Donnell from Archbishop Wood High School, Patrick Prendergast from Roman Catholic High School, Erin Stewart from Council Rock North High School and Ruth Sun from East Brunswick High School.
Army Aviation Center Federal Credit Union, Daleville, Ala., awarded ten $1,000 scholarships to area high school seniors. Scholarship winners competed against more than 75 other students from AACFCU's service area and scored as the Top 10 candidates. Applicants were judged on academic achievement, extra-curricular activities and essay responses. Scholarship winners are Trey Davis, graduate of Enterprise High School attending Indiana State University; Patricia Decker, graduate of Northside Methodist Academy attending Union University; Tyra Griffin, graduate of Pike County High School attending Troy University; Olivia Hudson, graduate of Charles Henderson High School attending Auburn University; Seth Hundley, graduate of Enterprise High School attending Troy University; Alexis Lee, graduate of Northview High School attending Troy University; Oanh Nguyen, graduate of Samson High School attending Auburn University at Montgomery; Vanessa Robinson, graduate of Tallulah Falls School attending Amherst College; Andie Stokes, graduate of Northview High School attending the University of Alabama; and Sky Warganich, graduate of Enterprise High School attending Troy University.
Boulder Valley Credit Union, Boulder, Colo., announced that six high school seniors were awarded $7,500, including one $2,500 and five $1,000 college scholarships for the 2012-2013 academic year. Tristan Kaler from Monarch High School was the $2,500 scholarship recipient, and Andrew Stephens from Monarch High, Chad Rachubinski from Fairview High School, Samantha Leonard and Christopher Smith from Boulder High School, and Ryan Byrne from Centaurus High School, each received $1,000 scholarships.
Connex Credit Union, North Haven, Conn. awarded scholarships to three Connecticut students who are bound for college in the fall. Each candidate submitted an application with transcripts and an essay addressing the topic, "What can Connex do to educate high school and college students to help them achieve financial success?" There were more than 50 applicants this year and a total of three students were selected. Vincenza DiDomenico, a college-bound senior currently residing in Meriden, received the Arthur B. Haesche Memorial Scholarship for $2,000. DiDomenico will be attending Fairfield University in the fall and will major in finance. Alan Shan, a Guilford resident attending Brown University, received the Nicolas G. Hackett Memorial Scholarship for $1,000. Shan is majoring in neuroscience and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Rachel Dickerman, Hamden resident and Emerson College student, received the John R. Edwards Community Involvement Scholarship for $2,000.
Cyprus Credit Union, West Jordan, Utah, awarded scholarships to six Utah high school seniors. Each student submitted a written essay about the importance of financial education and a short video. Students were selected based on community involvement, leadership and academics. Recipients received a check for $1,000 toward their college education. Scholarship recipients were Tanner Burton, Bingham High School; Gina Sombatsaphay, Granger High School; Aaron Hsu, Hillcrest High School; Casey Mangum, Stansbury High School; Shaylee VanWagenen, Copper Hills High School; and Rebekah Williams, Cyprus High School.
Dutch Point Credit Union, Wethersfield, Conn., announced the winners of the 2013 Dorothy J. Sullivan scholarship program. Five recipients were awarded $1,000 each to assist in their first year of college. The scholarships were awarded based on academic record, leadership qualities and community involvement. The program was created to honor the achievements of Dorothy J. Sullivan, the credit union's previous president/CEO and first employee. The 2013 scholarship recipients were Lindsay Cadwallader, Classical Magnet School; Alyssa Caron, Bristol Central High School; Andrew McCarter, Newington High School; Carolyn Polomsky, Wethersfield High School; and Tyler Stites, Northwest Catholic High School
Financial Partners Credit Union, Downey, Calif., announced that five seniors from Warren High School in Downey are the 2013 recipients of the future innovators scholarships in partnership with the Columbia Memorial Space Center. The credit union handed out $5,000 in scholarships to David Gebert, Jonathan Iglesias, Elias Medina, Bernabe Perez and Nicholas Pio. In 2012, the Future Innovators Scholarship program was created to help encourage the desire for education in sciences among the community students. Financial Partners Credit Union, in partnership with the Columbia Memorial Space Center, offers five $1,000 educational scholarships to local high schools students who have shown an interest in innovation through their participation on the CMSC Robotics Team.
Eaton Family Credit Union, Euclid, Ohio, announced that Kyle Kruse and Andrew Zoss have both been awarded $1,000 college scholarships. Kruse attended Notre Dame Cathedral Latin in Chardon, Ohio, and has been listed on the Wall of Distinction for academics. He will attend Fordham University in New York City this fall and would eventually like to work on Wall Street. Zoss attended Solon High School in Solon, Ohio. A letterman in cross-country, Andrew received many academic awards including honor roll, National Honor Society, Rising Star and Comet of the Semester. He will attend the Fisher College of Business at Ohio State University and will concentrate on marketing.
Hanscom Federal Credit Union, Hannscom AFB, Mass., awarded $10,500 in scholarships at its annual meeting, with $1,500 awards going to five credit union members beginning their college careers and two from a pair of local Air Force Junior ROTC units. The Condon scholarship recipients were Emma Reidy, Kristen Vilcans, Larson Linov, Cara Minnix and Diana Kelley. Named after former board member John F. Condon, a leader at Hanscom FCU for 26 years, the scholarships for Hanscom FCU members are awarded based on academic record, extracurricular activities and an essay. The top graduates of the Lowell High and Bedford High AFJROTC programs, Grecia Aybar and Rachel Aldorisio of Bedford, Mass., also received $1,500 scholarships.
LAFCU, Lansing, Mich., said that Mason High School senior Nick Sjolund has won the LAFCU "Write to Educate" scholarship and has selected the Greater Lansing Food Bank to receive a donation from LAFCU. The scholarship contest awards a $2,500 Lansing Community College scholarship to an applicant based on a one-page essay and makes a $500 donation to a charity selected by the winner. The essay topic was social media: How the applicant uses it, its influence on purchasing decisions, and its future. Sjolund identified positive aspects of social media that he believes many overlook when discussing its effects on users. Included are ease of use when communicating with peers and distant family members, and the powerful, emotional effects of a single tweet, Facebook post or Instagram photo. He recounted how friends, family and even celebrities provided inspiration through social media to a friend battling cancer. When the friend passed away, Sjolund said that social media allowed friends to support each other. Sjolund plans to attend LCC this fall. He's considering studying business but has not selected a specific program yet. Immediately after accepting the $2,500 scholarship award, Sjolund helped present LAFCU's $500 donation to Joe Wald, executive director of the Greater Lansing Food Bank.
Members Advantage Credit Union, Michigan City, Ind., has awarded two $1,000 scholarships for members pursuing a college education. Theresa Saenz, a Michigan City High School graduating senior, received the Leona Bruno Scholarship, and the Gail Walker Scholarship has been awarded to Shubhra Murarka, a freshman at the University of Chicago. Saenz plans to study engineering at Purdue University's Honor College this fall. She is graduating with highest distinction at MCHS with a GPA of 4.0. She is a National Merit Scholar finalist and received the MCHS Student of the Year award by the Michigan City Exchange Club. She also received the MCHS Alpha Award for Japanese her freshman through junior years and the English Alpha Award as a sophomore. Shubhra Murarka is a freshman at the University of Chicago, and she is contemplating a double major in physics and English since her future plans may include becoming a doctor or a professor. Murarka graduated in 2012 from La Lumiere School, and currently carries a 3.3 GPA at the University of Chicago. She is active with the South Asian Student Association, a cultural student club on campus, and is applying to be on the student club's board next year. In the biological division of the University of Chicago, Murarka is completing work-study in the neurobiology lab where she works as a student general technician helping doctoral graduate students with experiments and other lab duties. The Leona Bruno Scholarship was awarded in memory of the first manager of Members Advantage Credit Union, while the Gail Walker Scholarship was created in 2010 in memory of a former board member. Both winners received their scholarships based on scholastic excellence, personal integrity, active participation in and service to their schools as well as their contributions to their community.
Municipal Credit Union, New York, has awarded $66,000 in scholarships to college-bound graduating high school seniors: eight memorial scholarship grants of $5,000 each and 13 grants of $2,000 each. The recipients of the memorial scholarships are: Gabrielle Batista, Emma Briscoe, Akash Desai, David Fellows, Christopher Pinto, Ruth Tacandong, Joseph Varela and Zachary Zagorski.
121 Financial Credit Union, Jacksonville, Fla., partnered with the Jacksonville Marine Association to award three scholarships to Jacksonville, Florida high school seniors. The recipients were Caitlyn Baker, Savannah Garland and Abigail Wolz. The three $2,500 scholarships, which were presented by 121 Financial Credit Union senior vice president of operations Davis Johnston and Joe Springer, Jacksonville Marine Association board member, were awarded largely on the students' record of community service and partially on financial need. Baker, a graduate of Robert E. Lee High School, will attend the University of North Florida with the hopes of transferring to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. Garland, a graduate of Paxon High School, has also been accepted to study business at the University of North Florida. Wolz, a graduate of Bishop Kenny High School, will attend the University of Florida as a health science major.
Pioneer WV Federal Credit Union, Charleston, W. Va., announced that five of its members have been awarded $1,000 college scholarships. The scholarship recipients are Anthony Petersen, who attends West Virginia University as a computer science major; Brooke Belmont, who attends Fairmont State University as a health administration major; CJ Oldham, a graduate of Hurricane High School who will attend University of Tennessee as a nuclear engineering major; Sam Schoolcraft, w graduate of Herbert Hoover High School who will attend West Virginia University as a pharmacy major; and Madison Messinger, a graduate of Capital High School who will attend West Virginia Wesleyan as a bio-chem major.
Summit Credit Union, Madison, Wis., awarded the four $1,500 scholarships at its annual membership meeting. The Mary Siedlecki honorarium scholarship was awarded to Hannah Craig. Craig is home-schooled and takes some classes at MATC. She plans to attend Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, in the fall and will major in performance and media arts.The volunteer board of directors scholarships were awarded to Zoe Elizabeth Apel, a 2012 graduate of Stoughton High School and attends the University of Mary in Bismarck, majoring in elementary education; Erin Barry, who graduated from Madison East High School and plans to attend Pomona College, Claremont, Calif., majoring in geology and economics; Sarah N. Gang, who graduated from Deerfield High School and plans to attend University of Wisconsin – La Crosse, majoring in business and marketing. Fifty-nine students applied for the scholarships this year. Recipients were chosen based on grade point averages, extracurricular and community activities, employment experience and an essay on how a credit union's cooperative structure benefits its members and the communities it serves.
Xceed Financial Credit Union, El Segundo, Calif., awarded 10 individual $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors from Illinois, California, New York, Washington and Louisiana. Xceed Financial distributes the Romeo Doty scholarships annually to honor the memory of Romeo Doty, who served on the credit union's board for 21 years and was also a strong proponent of making higher education accessible for all students. Judges evaluated applicants' high school transcripts and extracurricular activities, including community service, school service, and work. Applicants also submitted one-page essays that addressed the question, "With college costs rising faster than the average middle class income, what can credit unions do to help families fund education?" Xceed Financial's 2013 Romeo Doty Scholarship winners were Nina Rajcevic, Oswego East High School, Oswego, Ill.; Ian Gabalski, Webster Thomas High School, Webster, N.Y.; Laura Gustafson, Campolindo High School, Moraga, Calif.; Patrick Devereux, Maine South High School, Park Ridge, Ill.; Mikhail Savvateev, Mercer Island High School, Mercer Island, Wash.; Danielle Eschete, Terrebonne High School, Houma, La.; Autumn Punter, Webster Schroeder High School, Webster, N.Y.; Erin Discipulo, Bishop Montgomery High School, Redondo Beach, Calif.; Ryan Zu, Penfield High School, Rochester, N.Y.; and David Chambers, Westchester High School, Los Angeles, Calif.
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