ST. PAUL, Minn.-As CUNA’s Renewal marks its 10th anniversary, a review committee is beginning to reassess the CUNA director division and other Renewal-related issues. Renewal was the process that revised the governance structure of CUNA in 1996. The review committee will meet periodically throughout the year during its second five-year review and plans to present a final report to the CUNA Board this fall. It is made up of a dozen credit union professionals and CUNA staff. Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union CEO Kyle Markland was recently named to the Renewal Review Committee. “It is important that the governance and representation change as the number and size of credit unions change,” Markland said. “As part of the Renewal project, credit unions and CUNA want to ensure that board governance, representation, and the tenets of the Renewal are reviewed and validated every five years. I wanted to be involved so that Minnesota and our district were represented.” Other members of the standing committee include: * Patsy Van Ouwerkerk, CEO Travis CU (Calif.)-Chair * Mike Mercer, CEO of the Georgia Credit Union League- Vice Chair * Bob Harvey, CEO of Seattle Metropolitan CU * Bill Herring, CEO of Cincinnati Central CU * Marla Marsh, CEO of the Kansas Credit Union League * Linda Medina, chair of Guadalupe FCU (N.M.) * John Murphy, CEO of the Maine Credit Union League * Dennis Pierce, CEO of Community America CU (Mo.) * Ron Rioux, CEO of St. Mary’s Bank * Mary Shipe, CEO of Alhambra CU (Ariz.) * Pamela Stephens, CEO of Security One FCU (Texas)