HUTCHISON, Kan. – DCI, a provider of full-service technology and solutions to the financial services industry has released iCore 9.1, the latest update to its iCore product solution. The most notable deposit enhancement to iCore 9.1 is it includes capabilities for financials to establish Health Savings Account (HSAs) plans, with high health plan costs or deductibles; to comply with IRS reporting requirements; and a SoftPro interface with SoftPro’s SignPlus product, a signature verification solution. The SignPlus interface “memorizes” a check holder’s signature from a DCI check image to compare any checks for fraudulent activity. Other enhancements include an ability to enter statement messages by account type as well as enter messages that will print for all accounts. Additional reporting has also been implemented to report unused overdraft commitments to help satisfy the regulatory requirements. iCore 9.1 also includes new and updated capabilities for loan servicing with the addition of a new “bankruptcy address suppression” field to prevent the maining of loan statements and notices to bankrupt accounts. Lastly, it features an interface with Baker Hill, St. Paul, Minn., a provider of focused expertise to help financials leverage technology to achieve strategic goals. iCore9.1 also now has the ability to archive and export older document images to CD or DVD media with a stand-alone viewer so users can view document images from any computer without having to be connected to iCore,