TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Consider it “Challenge Issued, Challenge Accepted, Challenge Met.” That is: Florida Credit Union League President/CEO Guy Hood told EVP Aletta Shutes he would have his head shaved if she could persuade members of the League’s board and the FCUL Service Group Board to meet his challenge on giving to the League’s Credit Union Political Action Committee. Shutes accepted Hood’s challenge which required every League board member and every Service Group board member to have their individual credit unions contribute at either the CUPAC Honor Roll level or the CUPAC Fair Share level. A CU is considered an Honor Roll contributor if that CU’s CEO and board chairman contribute at least $100 and each member of the credit union’s board contributes at least $20. A CU is determined to be a Fair Share contributor if it contributes a sum equal to 10-cents a member. The picture below speaks for the outcome of Hood’s challenge to the two boards on Oct. 27. The deadline for the challenge to be met was the League’s regularly scheduled board meeting on Nov. 2. After Shutes announced that Hood’s challenge had been met, a chair was placed in the middle of the room, towels were draped on the floor, a razor was produced, and Hood sat down to make the payoff to his challenge. -