I just perused former publisher Mike Welch’s last column in the Oct. 5 issue and it gave me the impetus to write this letter. I remember when Mike started with CUNA as its public relations director back in the `60s and our paths have crossed many times during the ensuing years. In fact on a couple of occasions we have crossed swords which merely means that we had a difference of opinion, sometimes created by our unique perspective of the moment. But, I never doubted Mike’s passion, hopefully he never doubted mine. I wish him luck in spending time with his family and pursuing the things that he has worked so hard for. The credit union movement, system, industry will be just fine as Welch and I leave it to those involved on a day-to-day basis to continue to perfect. But, I pray that the greed currently exhibited by a few will not create havoc in our cherished credit unions. Farewell Mike, and may the wind always be at your back and dame Fortune in your path. Wilfred F. Broxterman Acworth, Ga. Retired CUNA/league executive