ARLINGTON, Va. – As hot as a conference town as Las Vegas is, this is the first year NAFCU will hold its annual conference in the city. “We weren’t sure what to expect after having just met in Vancouver, which is one of our members’ favorite locations. The reaction to Las Vegas has been fantastic,” said Sara Romanick, director of education for NAFCU. NAFCU says Vegas has been a good draw with attendance estimated at 2,241, surpassing last year’s Vancouver total of 2,158. These totals include not only delegates, but also exhibitors and speakers. NAFCU has sold more tickets for its signature entertainment night – featuring Celine Dion – than it did last year for comedian Bill Cosby, though the margin is close. So far 1,555 tickets have been purchased for Dion and at the same time last year 1,533 for Cosby. Tickets will also be available on-site. The Las Vegas totals are still below 2003′s numbers for Boston which had close to 2,500 people.