WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Today’s corporate credit union network is about much more than just correspondent and investment services. Corporates have become key partners with their credit union members in business services, online services, compliance and more. Often these services are offered via corporate credit union owned CUSO. Interestingly, in recent years there’s been more of a willingness for corporates to be co-owners in CUSOs. For example Primary Financial LLC, which offers the popular SimpliCD product, is owned by every corporate in the nation. There are also cases of corporates signing marketing arrangements to offer another corporate CUSO’s products and services, without taking a capital stake. The following directory of corporate credit union CUSOs offers a window into all the various products the corporate network now offers credit unions. Editor’s note: Some CUSOs share employees with their corporate owners. Volunteer Service Organization, Inc. President: Bruce Fahnestock Ownership: VolCorp Products: Operational software for other corporate credit unions Founded: December 12, 1983 Number of employees: One and a half (shares with corporate) Contact info: www.volcorp.org, 615-232-7900, ext. 224 Number of Clients: 4 Member Business Services, LLC President: Jim Gallagher Ownership: Southeast Corporate, Georgia Central CU Products: Business services Founded: 2003 Number of employees: 4 Contact: www.mbsllc.com, 888-627-7881 Number of clients: 15 Southwest Corporate Investment Services Principal: Bruce Fox Ownership: Southwest Corporate Products: Investment Advisory, ALM Service, Brokerage Services Founded: 1988 Number of employees: 14 Contact info: www.swcorpinvest.com, 800-301-6196 CU clients: 325 CSI President: Mike Mercer Ownership: Georgia Central, CU, Georgia CUs, Georgia League Products: ACH, check collection, imaging Founded: December 15, 1988 Number of employees: 60 Contact info: www.gcua.org, 404-768-5176 Number of clients: 155 CU Business Group President: Larry Middleman Ownership: Northwest, FirstCorp, Empire, Mid-States, VolCorp, First Carolina, Louisiana Corporate, VACORP Products: Business services Founded: August 2003 Number of employees: 8 Contact: www.cubusinessgoup.org, 866-484-2876 Number of clients: 130 Pacific Processing Partners LLC President: Karle Yoneshige Ownership: WesCorp, HawaiiUSA CU Products: Item processing services in Hawaii Founded: June 2004 Number of employees: None Contact info: 808-522-7365 Clients: 57 Corporate Synergies LLC President: Bill Birdwell Ownership: Southeast Corporate and Georgia Central CU Products: Data processing Founded: 2003 Number of employees: 3 Contact info: 866-829-7528 ext. 380 Number of clients: 2 SmartSource Solutions, LLC Executive Director: Michael Pennell Ownership: Constitution Corporate Products: Web-based products including public Web site development, intranets, and extranets. Also offers CUboardroom.com, an online board communications and collaboration tool. Founded: 2001 Number of Employees: 4 Contact info: www.smartsourcesolutions.org, 1-866-WEB-DEVL (932-3385) Number of Clients: 109 in 34 states Procura LLC Chairman: Tony Kitt, Ownership: WesCorp, CU Financial Services Limited Partnership, PSCU, MEMBERS Development Company Products: Purchasing Card, Expence Management Founded: January 2005 Number of employees: None Contact info: 800-442-4366 ext. 6455 Clients: 12 WesCorp Investment Services, LLC President: Ron Araujo Ownership: WesCorp Products: Securities brokerage/Investment Advisory/SimpliCD Founded: March 2000 Number of employees: 9 Contact info: 800-946-7378, www.wescorpinvest.com Clients: More than 100 MemberTrade Advisory Services, LLC Interim CEO: Bart Salazar Ownership: Empire Corporate Products: A variety of customized Investment, Asset/Liability, and Liquidity Management products and services. Founded: January 2001 Number of employees: 3 Contact info: www.mtadvisory.com, 888-277-9537 Number of clients: 75 Credit Union National Item Capture President: Pete Pritts Ownership: Northwest Corporate, FirstCorp Founded: February 2004 Products: Share draft capture Number of employees: Shared between the two corporates Contact: 602-322-2400 Number of clients: 2 Business Lending Services, LLC President: David Coggins Ownership: Corporate Central CU, credit unions Products: Business lending products Founded: 2004 Number of employees: Two (in process of hiring three more) Contact: www.businesslendingservices.com, 414-427-3706 Clients: 3 CU Compliance Group President: Thomas Bonds Ownership: Corporate America Founded: May 20005 Products: A variety of compliance services. Contact: 2205-313-4300, ext. 104 Employees: 1 (utilizes outsourced professionals) Clients: n/a CenCorp Business Solutions, LLC Director: M.B. Ducher Founded: November 2003 Products: Business lending, loan review, consulting, participations, loan servicing Number of employees: 3 Contact info: www.cencorpcu.com (click on “business services”) Clients: 39 MemberTrade Financial Group, LLC Chief Operating Officer: Paul J. Wilders Ownership: Empire Corporate Products: Broker/Dealer Service, Brokered CDs Founded: April 1999 Number of Employees: 4 Contact: www.membertrade.com, (518) 292-3834 Number of Clients:219 MemberTrade Financial Group, LLC Chief Operating Officer: Paul J. Wilders Ownership: Empire Corporate Products: Broker/Dealer Service, Brokered CDs Founded: April 1999 Number of Employees: 4 Contact: www.membertrade.com, (518) 292-3834 Number of Clients:219 First Carolina Real Estate Services Executive Vice President: Lynwood Duke Ownership: First Carolina Corporate and Homeowners Mortgage Enterprises, Inc. Founded: 2003 Products: Home buying services. Number of employees: 3 Contact: 803-771-2678, www.realestaterewards.org Number of clients: 40 Corporate Network eCom, LLC (eCom) President: Dennis Brown Ownership: U.S. Central Products: MemberPay, an end-to-end service bureau bill pay solution, and MemberGateway, a payment processing solution designed to simplify settlement and back-office bill management for front-end solutions. Founded: 1999 Number of employees: 26 (24 employees and 2 contractors are all employees of eCom, separate from U.S. Central) Contact: www.memberstreet.com, (888) 656-4050 Clients: 160 Primary Financial Company LLC President and CEO: Mark Solomon Ownership: All corporate CUs Founded: 1996 as a wholly owned CUSO of Corporate One Federal Credit Union. In 2003, Primary Financial was purchased by Corporate Exchange, LLC, a CUSO made up of corporate credit unions. Primary Financial is now owned by 100% of the corporate credit unions, including U.S. Central. Products: A certificate of deposit placement program called SimpliCD. Through the SimpliCD program, credit unions can invest anywhere from $99,000 to $10 million in federally insured certificates of deposit. Number of Employees: 11, Primary Financial also has a management agreement with Corporate One FCU to provide Human Resources, IT, Accounting and Marketing services. Contact info: www.epfc.com, 800-639-0339 Number of clients: More than 2,800 credit union. Credit Union eArchive Solutions President: Pete Pritts Ownership: Northwest Corporate and FirstCorp Founded: February 2004 Products: Share draft image archive Number of employees: Shared between Northwest and FirstCorp Contact: www.cubusinessgroup.org, 866-484-2876 Number of clients: 2 Charlie Mac, LLC Managing Director: Karen Genneken Ownership: U.S. Central Products: A secondary market investor for credit unions only: JumboExpress (for credit unions to sell their jumbo mortgage loans), CARPooL (Corporate Automotive Receivables Program for Liquidity – for credit unions to sell their auto loans) and Master Servicing (for corporates) Founded: 1997 Number of employees: 5 employees assigned to Charlie Mac, but they are U.S. Central employees. Contact info: www.charliemac.org (800) 798-CLMC (2562) Clients: 117 in JumboExpress pipeline plus 54 in CARPooL pipeline Mid-States Investment Solutions, LLC President: Tom Moore Ownership: Mid-States Corporate Products: A variety of Broker-Dealer, Investment Advisory Services, and asset-liability modeling products. Number of employees: 11 CUSO employees, 5 Mid-States staff that share in providing services Contact: www.midstates.org, 800-423-794 Clients: Approximately 150 clients using Broker-Dealer, Advisory and ALM Services, 265 clients using SimpliCD. CU Investment Solutions, Inc. (ISI) Chief Operating Officer: Michael Doherty Ownership: U.S. central fund Products: A Broker-dealer and investment advisory service exclusively for corporate credit unions. In 2002 it introduced the Corporate Agent Program. The program employs the use of a licensed dual employee who represents a corporate credit union and its traditional products while offering marketable securities. Founded: 1998 Number of employees: 9 full-time employees at its headquarters and currently has 39 shared employees located at 16 corporate credit unions. Contact info: www.cu-isi.org, (888) 872-0440 Clients: 506 accounts open with natural person credit unions across the nation.