Hard to believe it was only a little over 15 years ago that the average page size of each weekly issue of Credit Union Times was usually 16 pages, but on occasion only 12 pages. This publication grew rather slowly in those early years, but by the end of 1996 the average page size had climbed to 20. In January of 1997 a decision was made that no issue would be smaller than 24 pages. The rest is history. It is not uncommon now for Credit Union Times to consistently set new page records, sometimes even within the same year. The recent CUNA GAC issue, for example, was a record-breaking 152 pages. That’s the equivalent of nine and one-half of those early 16 pagers combined. Not to rest on our laurels, Editor Paul Gentile’s small but prolific editorial team has done it again. The issue you are holding represents another new page record at 156 pages. [email protected]