CLEVELAND, Ohio – Credit unions which have signed onto KeyCorp’s selective surcharge ATM network will now have an additional 12,000 machines to offer their members. KeyCorp, whose ATM network has a primarily Midwestern footprint, has teamed up with GenPass to offer access to GenPass’s MoneyPass ATM Network. Key’s relationship with Genpass will offer the MoneyPass network in a non-reciprocal manner. That is, Key’s current and future credit union clients will not be required to add their ATMs to the MoneyPass network and customers who bank with Key do not gain surcharge-free access to MoneyPass ATMs. “The goal of Key’s Agent Bank program is to bring added value to the cardholders of community banks and credit unions by providing a broad range of premier services,” stated Brian Sismour, National Sales Manager, Key Consumer Payment Sales. “MoneyPass allows us to expand the services we provide to members nationwide. When we reviewed the range of alternatives, there was no doubt that MoneyPass, with its business proposition and network reliability, was the right choice.” “We are excited to provide Key’s Agent Bank clients access to the MoneyPass Network,” stated Douglas D. Anderson, President of the MoneyPass surcharge-free ATM network. “When the Key program is added to recent additions like Credit Union 24, the Illinois Credit Union League, and others, it confirms the status of MoneyPass as the fastest-growing surcharge-free network and its related value proposition to both Issuers and Acquirers.”