Technology related developments and innovations keep moving up the priority list for credit unions. And agenda items concerned with technology issues are generating lots more interest at regular credit union board meetings. These facts are clearly reflected in virtually every recent issue of Credit Union Times. As the entire technology field gradually became more important to credit unions, in-depth editorial coverage and the number of technology type display advertisements in this publication have also been increasing significantly. In fact, within the last 12 to 18 months, technology coverage in this publication has virtually exploded. That’s because our editorial staff listened to our readers. They told us that there is so much going on involving new and improved technology that directly affects credit unions that they needed more tech information than what we already provided in our comprehensive technology special reports scheduled throughout the year. Credit Union Times editor Paul Gentile, who also closely oversees the technology beat, has indicated that he expects to include specific technology news and feature stories, data, charts, tech briefs, etc. in every issue throughout 2005 (See pages 1, 40 and 28-30 of this issue). Some regular issues will actually include as much or more tech coverage and ads than the special reports on technology did in years past. It’s become that important! Meanwhile, Credit Union Times Advertising Director Laurie Sorrentino reports that the number of technology display advertisements booked for 2005 have already set a new record. And it is only January! Technically speaking, Credit Union Times is the indisputable leading source of technology information in the credit union industry. [email protected]