DEL MAR, Calif. – Members of credit unions belonging to the National Council of Postal Credit Unions (NCPCU) now will be able to use nearly 3,100 ATMs nationwide surcharge free through a joint marketing agreement the NCPCU has signed with Cleveland-based KeyCorp. The pact gives members of more than 150 member postal credit unions access to the big Ohio bank’s network of 2,200 ATMs across the country, including 716 placed in ARCO locations on the West Coast, as well as access to SouthTrust’s network of 900 ATMs across the South. “KeyCorp’s agent bank services give many of our smaller credit unions the ability to instantly take advantage of a large, existing ATM network and offer their members greater access to their money,” said Bob Spindler, executive director of California-based NCPCU. “We’ve already signed more than 115 agent bank partners across the country and look forward to establishing relationships with NCPCU members,” said Mona Juravic, regional sales manager at KeyCorp.