MADISON, Wis.- America First Credit Union President/CEO Rick Craig walked away from the CUES 26th annual CEO Network with the 2004 CUES Executive of the Year award. “I am fortunate to be able to work with a great team and supportive board as we provide innovative services to our membership. We focus on great service while emphasizing those things that will make a difference years from now,” said Craig as he accepted the award. Craig has served America First CU since 1977, where he held the position of executive vice president until his promotion to president/CEO in 1997. During Craig’s tenure as CEO asset growth at the credit union has exceeded $1.6 billion. Currently, Craig is a member of the CUES Advisory Committee for billion dollar credit unions, and was a participant in the first-ever summit for CEOs of billion-dollar credit unions. He is also a member of CUES Chairman’s Club for recruitment of new members. Additionally, he has served on The Filene Research Institute Advisory Committee; the CUNA Governmental Affairs Subcommittee; and, has taught at the Western Management School for the past 23 years. Executive of the Year award recipients are selected for their exceptional leadership skills, commitment to professional development, contributions to their credit union, active roles in CUES and its councils, and active participation in civic and community affairs.