I want to comment on Mike Welch’s Oct. 15th publisher’s column, “51 League Chairmen Like Heinz 57 Varieties” and his final observations: “Which of the current chairmen are actually making a difference?” and “Does it really matter much who serves as league chairman?” I’m not really sure how much of a difference one person, even a League Chairman, can make by themselves. I think you need to look at all each person did before they became League Chair, because that is when they probably made their largest contributions. That is normally what propels them in to the spotlight enough to get them elected. Even more importantly, look at what they do after they leave their office (you need to give them at least one year to put their credit unions back together upon their return for, you see, they don’t spend much time at the credit union during their year as Chairman). You see, being a “League Chair” or “CEO” isn’t what measures you as a success or failure. It’s what you do as a human being for other human beings ALL THE TIME that makes the difference. Ask me what my favorite movie is – “Pay It Forward!!! Watch that movie and try the little technique out that the young man does his project on. Now, as to “Does it really matter who serves as Chairman?” It only matters as to how much passion the person has for making things better for their fellow man and credit unions. Those who work with passion for the credit union movement and what we stand for are the ones you will hopefully see in the leadership roles. Those who want it for the prestige or the resume (it does look good doesn’t it?) don’t do nearly as well and are probably the ones you forgot ever served anyway. It definitely isn’t whether someone is from a large or small credit union, or whether they are a CEO or volunteer, it’s the passion for making things better for others. Pat Wagner President/CEO New World FCU Almost-Past Chairman of CCUL