CARLSBAD, Calif. – USE Credit Union is the latest to convert its investment program to XCU Capital Corp., a credit union-owned broker/dealer. The partnership allows USE to have access to XCU Capital’s product offerings such as mutual funds, annuities, stocks and bonds and insurance products through Focus Insurance Agency, Inc., a subsidiary of XCU Capital. Members will also have access to a financial advisor available to assist with financial planning, retirement and estate planning, college funding plans, and insurance needs. Additional services accessible online include stock quotes and research, investment articles and financial planning tools. USE’s more than 75,000 membership-base includes faculty, staff, students and alumni of the University of California and California State University systems, state employees and residents of five counties. Initially launched in 1988 as XCU Brokerage Services by Xerox Federal Credit Union, a year later, the CUSO became XCU Capital Corp. XCU Capital has partnered with 24 credit unions nationwide amassing $1.2 billion in assets under administration. In 2002, the broker/dealer partnered with Phoenix National Trust to offer trust services.