WASHINGTON – Webinars are becoming more common in the industry. In an effort to address credit unions’ balance sheet management challenges and present potential solutions, WesCorp and Callahan and Associates said they are teaming up to launch a series of interactive Webinars this summer. The first Webinar will be held June 19 at 11 a.m. Pacific Time/2 p.m. Eastern, and will be offered free of charge. The “Risk Management-Thinking in New Directions” Webinar will feature WesCorp ALM experts discussing methods for re-engineering the balance sheet, hedging strategies to increase lending capacity and managing risk with on- and off-balance sheet transactions. According to WesCorp and Callahan’s, these seminars are best suited for credit unions seeking advanced training in asset/liability and balance sheet management. For more information visit www.creditunions.com or www.wescorp.coop.