MADISON, Wis. – Could a credit union comic book soon join the popular ranks of Marvel’s Spiderman, X-Men? CUNA hopes so. Featuring teens Louie and Kid Kred, CUNA’s Tales from the Vault: The True Story of Credit Unions introduces readers to the adventures of CU superheroes Raiffeisen, Desjardins and Filene. Starting with the first credit unions in Germany, the educational adventures follows the movement’s values and growth around the world while teaching young members the benefits of membership. Tales from the Vault is one of several youth-oriented products available from CUNA. Other products include Googolplex: The CU Guide for Student Money Makers, coloring and activity books How Many? and Best of Adventures in Saving, and the Guide to Money for young adults. For more information about Tales from the Vault call (800) 356-8010.