CHAPIN, S.C. -In an effort to keep as much business within the credit union industry as possible, MemberStreet’s back-end payment remittance service has been chosen as the preferred bill payment processing service provider for PM System Corp.’s WebFederal2 Internet banking platform, the companies said. U.S. Central Credit Union is the corporate that owns Corporate Network eCom, which operates the MemberGateway electronic bill payment processing solution as part of the MemberStreet package. Credit unions can route paper and electronic transactions through the system, increasing functionality and lowering costs, said Robert Broadwell, PM Systems vice president. Two of the first users of the new partnership are Florida Aircraft Federal Credit Union and Beaumont Area Educators Federal Credit Union, Broadwell said. Matt Davis, Corporate Network eCom’s vice president of eCom products, credited WebFederal’s features and interfaces and added: “We also like the fact that they are a credit union-driven organization.”